In excel lot of data, where we can find a unique name called RESULT the next cell value I should capture. please help me on this.
cell-1 cell2
Thank you.
In excel lot of data, where we can find a unique name called RESULT the next cell value I should capture. please help me on this.
cell-1 cell2
Thank you.
Hi @Raghu_km
Use lookup range activity you will get the address of result like “D1” Ina Variable1
Next use a read cell activity in the range Use this expression
This expresses will give you E1 as range
Store the values in a variable and use them
Hi @Raghu_km
Can you share any sample excel file, so that we can check on and provide you the solution?
Read the data into datatable and use filter datatable and filter on result and then get next value by dt.Rows(0)(“Targetcolumn”).ToString
Use the look up table activity and pss the Result as to be searched and the target column name as the column with 63%
@Anil_G thanks for the information but the value would be dynamic. just i want to take the value after Result next cell.
Hi Manish,
Please find the attached copy of excel.
UiPath_Sample.xlsx (9.5 KB)
Note: rows from 12 to 14 would variable, it may increase or decrease.
Thank you.
Look up or filter will be done on result whichis constant…and accordingly whatever is the value is next cell it would be raken…only constant thing here are the column names and result
Hope this helps
Thanks for your help. finally its resolved.
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