Hi All,
I have a question where my Multiple URL’s are processed in the for each loop and in each URL need to scrape the data’s and write it in excel sheet.
Is there any solution please let me know it as soon as possible.
Hi All,
I have a question where my Multiple URL’s are processed in the for each loop and in each URL need to scrape the data’s and write it in excel sheet.
Is there any solution please let me know it as soon as possible.
you can store all the urls in string array and loop through all the urls using for each loop .
and navigate to the url and can data scrape and write data in excel sheet .
Hi Navneetj3 Sir,
In which tool we can scrape those datas and assign to the datatable and write it in excel sheet.
in uipath studio , there is a option called data scraping available on home tab it can extract data and later you can write datatable using write range .
Hi Sir,
I have done that the data should have same data for second element but in that link there’s only one data. so at there the Data Scrapping won’t be useful…
Is there any other way to scrape the data’s ?
so the data is not on multiple pages . and the urls are completely different ? In that case you will have to write different code for all the urls .
Hi Sir,
Yes Sir there are different data’s…
So is there any solution please let me know it as soon as possible.
i think you will have to write separate activities for the each url to scrape data and append the data in the excel sheet .
Hi Sir,
If I use get text and assign it in variable and write it in excel sheet, it’s throwing error at assign activity because the assign is in for loop.
if you are using for loop for different urls . thats not going to work as the different urls will have different attributes .so dont use for loop . scrape data differently for each url .
Hi Sir,
I have a website
In this website I am going to tender by organization tab.
In that I am selecting one option to this link
Then I am using Data Scrapping to get all the & links and processing those links in for each loop.
like this still more 5 links are there…
In one link I am scrapping a data and want to write it in excel sheet once it overs it will close the link and opens other link to process another data.
So is there any solution please let me know it as soon as possible.
Hi Sir,
Can you send me your mobile number so that I can clearly elaborate the process?
can you attach your xaml over here.
Hi Sir,
I will share you the screen shot of it Sir.
Data Scraping : Properties → MetaData-> insert code which is in attached text filemetaData.txt (191 Bytes)
You will get all link of each tender.
How many columns ITDatatable has?
There are two Columns Sir one is Name and URL links.
I think the issue is with the datatable columns.you have not defined the columns and assigning value to the same . define the columns and assign values accordingly .