My requirements is to convert every rows value from true to false.
In UI-path
My requirements only particular row change
True or false value lot of row available
File (Excel macro)
Could you please be more specific about your requirement. If possible share input excel and output. Share dummy excel if it’s confidential. Which row you want to change any particular condition.
Hi @Ninad_Falke
Assign activity 1:
To: YourDataTable.Rows(rowIndex)("Column1") // Replace "YourDataTable" with the name of your DataTable variable, "rowIndex" with the index of the row you want to modify, and "Column1" with the name of the column containing the boolean value
Value: False
Assign activity:
row_index = 0 // Replace 0 with the index of the row you want to modify
For each activity (For each column in DataTable.Columns):
Assign activity:
To: DataTable.Rows(row_index)(column.ColumnName)
Value: False // or any other value you want to set