How to reply to the email when i got the email by the way who have Official edition uipath studio

please tell me

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what’s the meaning?

i want to know how to reply to email straightly when i got the email

i got it but i want know how to reply to email by IMAP when i got the email by SMTP

i got it ,but i want know how to reply to email by IMAP ,when i got the email by SMTP

Then you probably need to use SMTP activity for this.
please see this post for configuring smtp send mail.
For More.

i know how to configure and send email by smtp but now i want to send email for the email that i get

one more question when i forward the email throw member “MailBox” was not found

yes you can get the particular sender name by
item of for each mail(
item.From.Address.ToString which can be passed in send property(reply to same user)

keep account field empty

i put mails into List, but when i forward one of the lists by index , there throw a member “mailBox” was not found ,how to resolve this question

Please upload xaml file.

can you try to build the project , beacause my net is at China , uploading the file is so slowly

i can tell you i get email by IMAP ,and send email by SMTP ,can you try to build the project because my net is at China ,it`s so slow to upload the file

I need to read the contents of the mail, then I need to determine the content of the email, and put the contents of the email into the word document according to the specific format.