I’m trying to reply to users with particular subject lines. While replying to them I want to quote the body of the mail recived by me. To achieve that I tried the below method:
In the above solution, I have tried copying the mail.body of the sender into a string variable and then concatenate it to my body of the email (in Send Outlook mail Activity). But unfortunately, the formatting (in my case tables) of the sender’s mail body is getting lost and sent mail just doesn’t make sense.
Please guide me to reach the required solution in order to retain the table(s) and the other formatting inside the sender’s mail.
Use the ReplyToList property to indicate the list of addresses other than the From address to use to reply to this message.The ReplyToList property replaces the ReplyTo property that only allows a single address to reply to.
I don’t think it is what we are looking for. And for 1’st point, No I need to add reply body quoting the previous message received by me.
Thanks for suggestions, Can we think of something else?
I was thinking on the same line, but more like the screenshot of previous mail. The challenge will be to get the only body part of the mail and add it in the body of the mail sent by the bot !
I don’t want the user to download any attachments.
I also want to Forward an email. My Email Body formatting gets lost when Hyperlinks are included: instead of fowarding it as Hyperlink the email is read as string and forwarded.
e.g. the word “Google” has the Hyperlink “www.google.com”
it is forwarded the following way:
HYPERLINK “www.google.com” Google
any ideas on how to Keep the Format and Hyperlinks?
Hi can you give an example how you have used replyto in UIPath .
i have assigned like this stremailid = new System.Net.Mail.MailAddress(strPMEmailID).ToString
but how to pass this is in Send Outlook mail
Hi @vvaidya, can you suggest to replace instead of keeping the button in the message activity to proceed in the IF condition(button=Yes) in MailReply.xaml (12.6 KB)