How to Rename the excel sheets based on Headers


I want to rename the excel sheets based on the headers it contains. Can anyone help me.



Use read range check the headers as you need and then use the column name or whatever you want to using rename sheet activity


I want to change the sheets name based on the headers it contains. How can I do it.



Can you read the excel first into a datatable. Then you could loop on column names Dt.Columns, inside that use Rename sheet activity


read the excel

find out your columns are there or not

depending on it use the name


Thanks Anil. I could able to rename it.

we have used the assign activity to get the file. so we used array of string variable to store the Directory.Getfiles(file name). so now we need to we need to pass the array of string to the use excel scope file. We are getting error as it is array of string.

How can we convert array of string to string.



If its only one file then use output(0)

If multiple loop the array and inside use currentitem to get each file


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