How to rename existing outlook subject

Hi Team,

I need to change outlook subject name for existing mail.

Please help me anyone for this

Existing mail subject example below,

Hello world

Expected output:

Hello world_Test

Hi @Raja.G

Check the below thread


HI @lrtetala ,

I facing issue in argument error BC30XXX : Value of type ‘office365Message()’ cannot be converted to ‘mailmessage.’ selected value is incompatible with the property type.

I am using Office360.

Raja G


It’s because your email is Office365 Mail message and the solution is for Outlook activity.

If you can use Outlook application it’s feasible with the solution shared by Lakshman

Yes , There is any way to rename the subject from Office360


Office 365 activities uses Graph API and as per it’s documentation we can edit the subject only if the mail is in draft or isDraft=True.

Update message - Microsoft Graph v1.0 | Microsoft Learn.

Try looking around this documentation if you spot anything.

Ashok :slight_smile:

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Hi Team,

Please anyone help me for this ,still i am facing issue, If any new approach please let me know.

Raja G

Changing the subject is simple with the Graph API. You don’t even have to worry about the bearer token for authentication because with the Office 365 scope you’re already authenticated.

Just use this endpoint in the HTTP Request (365) activity:*ID*/messages/*MessageId*

And use this as the body JSON:

{"subject": "New Subject"}