Hi All
I have community license. i tried with Video recording and screen shot for uipath run but its only works in attended mode. i need to captured the process screenshot / video recording in unattended mode, can anyone please help me to resolve the issues?
For the Community license, this Media Recording option is not available.
For On-Premise Orchestrator and for Cloud Enterprise Orchestrator, this will be available.
I m not aware of Premise Orchestrator / Cloud Enterprise Orchestrator—can you please explain or any documentation available?
Both are the same product. The difference is on-prem Orchestrator needs to be deployed on your own server which you will need to configure and prepare from scratch. Cloud one is already deployed and you just need to set it up for your company and allow the traffic to go through it so robots can work as they should.
Will it possible to capture screensot?
Do you need to take screenshots in general or the failed jobs screenshots?