Hello !
I’m trying to read a xml file and I want to make sure that I’m doing correctly. In my example I am using string manipulation to find a specific string allocated in XML Node. I’ve searched a lot of contents to read this file using Deserialize XML activity or Get XML Nodes, but all of them couldn’t help me.
How to use those activities correctly to read XML files without using string manipulation?
That’s my actual process:
Read text file (to recognize the xml file)
Assing: xml_node = xml_file.Substring(xml_file.IndexOf(“”) + “”.Length).Split(Environment.NewLine.ToCharArray)(0)
Assing: xml_node = xml_node.Split(“.“c).First.ToString.Substring(xml_node.LastIndexOf(””))
Assing: xml_node = xml_node.Remove(xml_node.IndexOf(“”))
Assing: xml_node = xml_node.replace(“”,“”).ToString
Write Line “xml_node” (to write on the console, checking if the string between the nodes has found)