I need to create a project where I will monitor a directory that will receive XML files. When a file arrives in that directory, I need to read the file and extract some information to put inside a system. However, I didn’t find any activity that does the manipulation of XML files. Is there any on uiPath? If so, could you give instructions for setting up?
You can try use the Newton Soft to deserialize the XML file
Here you can check how to add the package
I hope this helps
- you need to change the xml file extension to locked file to read the xml as Text file
(E.g: test.xml to test.xml.locked) - Read Text file (pass the test.xml.locked) and assign the variable(E.g - XML_TEXT_FILE) to Read Text File
- Use the assigned variable in step 2 to Deserialize xml by using “Deserialize XML” Activity and assign variable to “Deserialize XML” (E.g: Input: (XML_TEXT_FILE) and output : Deserialized_XML_Text)
- Use the Assigned Variable (Deserialized_XML_Text) in Step 3 to get the XMl contents
(E.g Deserialized_XML_Text.element(“ParentField”).element(“childfield”).value.tostring
No need for step 1, you can just use the read text activity and supply it as “test.xml” directly.
@tainan.ramos If you need to make changes to the XML file, UiPath doesn’t really have any built-in activities to do that. You have to use invoke method to make those modifications
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