How to read the table data from the outlook Email body (31.1 KB)

I need to read the CR Amount and Reason Data from the Table.

Bank: 288

The following 1 ACH batch for **NBR LLC Payables (Company ID: ****61488) requires your attention:

CR Amount CR Count DR Amount DR Count Settle Date SEC Entry Desc Reason(s)
$63,475.01 13 $0.00 0 6/7/2023 PPD AchBatch Suspend: Prefund Suspend

Do not reply to this message. If you have any questions about this alert, contact FIS Client Care Support 844.6 FIS NOW or 844.634.7669. Please have your Entity ID available for security validation.

I have attached two Different Email Messages in both the Different Emails I need Cr Amount and Reason.

Nitesh S

HI @nitesh.s

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check out this video link



Read the email body as HTML body…and then save the body on text file as .html file and open the .html file in browser using use application/browser and then use extract datatable activity



Hi @Gokul001 ,

Thanks for looking in to it.

we are building the Unattended solution.

There is a dependence of the Outlook Application the for the Solution you shared.
In our Unattended Servers we don’t have Outlook Application. we are making use of Graph API for Mail Activates.

Is there any alternate solution for my problem.

Nitesh S

Hi Ani,
can you please share the screen shot.

am getting an error while writing it to text file Activity as .html file

Nitesh S


Your string will be mail.BodyAsHTML and file would be test.html

Can you please show what you tried
