How to read table when data in multiple pages in pdf file

Hi All,

I would like to read table data in multiple pages in pdf file. please find the below sample pdf file.
i want to read table purchase order details from multiple pages.
Acrobat Document.pdf (521.0 KB)

Thanks in Advance,


Try using form extractor or ai center and train the document understanding model


Hi @Niranjan_k ,

In order to extract the table data from multiple pages you can check out UiPath Out-of-the-box Pre-trained ML modules, there are couple of pre trained modules available to extract the various kinds of data from the PDF.

Document Understanding - Out-of-the-box Pre-trained ML Packages (

@Anil_G could you please help me with any reference or videos

@Mohan_Reddy Any sample workflow or please provide me any reference videos




Hi @Niranjan_k ,

Please refer following videos.

Train ML Module:

@Anil_G sure I’ll try

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@Mohan_Reddy thank you I’ll check