How can I get version number in xml file? I tried read text file and deserialize however this methode got all text in xml file. Could you please help me for this topic?
Hi @Mrv_Vrl ,
Use Execute XPath activity
ExistingXML → xmlDeserialized
XPathExpression - > “string(/EcuDTCHandling/@version)”
Hi @arivu96,
I tried your first recommondation however I got an error.
Hi @Mrv_Vrl
Please find the attached overall project with sample xml
Hope its solves your issue
Xml (5.1 KB)
we need traverse according to xml file
kindly update us whether your issue resolved or not
Robin S
Hi @Mrv_Vrl ,
Can we do it in simple way without desearalizing.
Use invoke method below to convert the xml into dataset
inside properties create parameter with your XMLTextFilepath
Now use For each
For Each item in ds.tables
XMLTableName = item.tostring
inside use one more for each row data table assign item
use if condition XMLTableName = “EcuDTCHandling”
then → Version = row(“version”).tostring
Use break statement to end the loop.
Please try this different logic and let us know. thanks.
Hi @Mrv_Vrl ,
refer below screenshot.
Use Execute XPath activity
ExistingXML → xmlDeserialized
XPathExpression - > “string(/EcuDTCHandling/@version)”
Hello @Robinnavinraj_S
Firstly thank you for your kindly help. I tried your recommondation however I got error again.
I couldnt able to understand your error
You have to give element function not attribute
The XML IS defining namespaces which are to handle. But as WE are doing a retrieval from the root element WE can simplify IT.
Use deserialize Activity from the uipath.webapi.activities package
Output - xDoc
Assign Activity
Lhs: strVErsion |Datatype: String