Hi all,
I want to read Inbox Unread Email from specific website, any idea would be highly appreciable.
Thank you.
Hi @Rajnish,
Can you explain with bit more details. are you referring the server as a website ?
Thanks and Regards,
@Ajithkumar_P Thank you for your response, I am trying to read “Inbox” unread messages from XYZ Website(assume) and loop one by one.
Hi @Rajnish,
You can use the following activities to read an email from website
Get Exchange Mail Messages
choose onlyUnreadMessages in properties
Get Outlook Mail Messages
Get IMAP Mail Messages
Get POP3 Mail messages
Then You can use for each activity to loop one by one, Then Inside the for each activity, you can use if condition to check the subject or other properties to validate the email. Like mentioned below :
Thanks and Regards,
option 1 :-
If you have a list of websites which you need to check , we can easily do it with filter option
Ex:- “[From]=efg@ttt.com”
It gives you mails from efg@ttt.com.
like wise you can filter and do it
option 2 :-
Loop all mails and put a condition and check for the sender domain(website) . Based on the sender can process it
@Ajithkumar_P Thank you, I do not have server name access, so I cant use above options suggested by you, any other idea bro??
Thank you, I will try and let you know.