How to re-try failed queue item after specific time interval

Hi All,

Just wanted to know how to schedule re-try for failed queue item after specific time interval.
I have my Performer BOT scheduled based on queue trigger, Process receive new request through API in UiPath Orchestrator queue. If any application exception occurs. The failed request will be added to queue by BOT & it triggers immediately because we have kept retry count 1. The thing is I want that retried queue item should trigger after sometime like 60min or 90min but not immediately.

Any help for this will be appreciated.

Vighnesh Gadekar.

Hi Vighnesh,

In the add queue item activity have a property is called “PostPone”. So you can set what time the transaction should run


Hi Uma,

Thanks for your quick reply really appriciate it. The thing is I am not using Add queue item activity. Queue data is coming form different application through API and we have designed queue with retry count 1 so if any application exception occurs BOT itself clones it in same queue. We dont want to push this queue item to another queue.

Currently our aim is to keep that retried item in NEW state for next 60 to 90min then it should be get triggered.


Hi @vighneshgadekar ,

Then you can use Postpone Transaction Item activity to postpone that particular item to your wish time.


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Hey Uma,

Thanks for prompt reply, even I got the same solution on Youtube and working on it.
Really appricate your time :slight_smile: Marking your post as solution here.

Happy Automation.


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