How to programme Read Range activity to avoid "value for a required activity argument was not supplied"

Help, my read range is the latest version and looks like this (with 1 field only):

Whereas all the antiquatedinstructional videos seem to be for an older version of this activity (with 2 fields):

Even if I put the words “Orders” into the field, i still get an error.

I am unsure what am I doing wrong? I just wanted to read this specific sheet in excel. :frowning:

Appreciate any advice, please :slight_smile:


put this in range

ThanksJack Chan, I am not sure can you explain briefly what the .Range(“A1”) component means?

I understand that excel.sheet(“orders”) means to look at the specific excel sheet named orders. But what does the Range(“A1”) component mean?

Thanks again

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means reading the table starting from A1

if your table starts at B5 then put b5 instead

if this is your table you put A1

if this is your table put C4

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