There is a webpage (below), where there are multiple edit buttons in a table. I want to match Number field with a variable (I am reading data from an excel sheet and storing it in a DT) and click on that specific edit button. Below screen shot for reference:
With above it clicks the Edit button on the second row next to ‘TR000112-04’. I want to make it dynamic by first searching for TR000112-04 in the entire table and then click on the Edit button next to it. @bcorrea I tried Anchor base but could not get it to work.
For Find Text Position: I have selected the entire table and set the Text to equal to “TR000112-04” for testing. UiElement is empty - let me know if that needs to be set (was not able to find an example for this activity on uipath documentation).
For Click activity - I selected one of the Edit button and removed tableRow from the selector to make it generic.
With this setup I am getting error - Anchor Base: The method or operation is not implemented.
Any idea?
You can try to use Data Scrapping to get all data and save to a datatable
With Edit column, you need to get both the Text and the Link of item
→ Use that datatable variable, you can search your item, them build the link dynamic
Anchor based selection work, but i would suggest the to do it within the UiExplorer (Fully expanded where you can inspect visual tree and Properties on left side)
Let select the Edit button
Loacate the anchor in the visual tree, do right click on it and do Select as anchor Or Use indicate Anchor
You will see something like nav up=‘x’ syntax between Anchor and Target
Now modify the anchor selector by taking any ID information in and make it dynamic with a variable
We can help you more on it once you share a relevant screenshot from UiExplorer content with us
Maybe this works on the first try. Otherwise we will rework on it. Lazter we do it dynamize it that the idinfo can be a variable and we can alick on an idinfo’s edit
@ppr Thanks. Which activities to use for Anchor Base?. After I open UI Explorer from the top toolbar and configure it just like you have indicated. Whats the next step?
@ppr So I was getting confused with Anchor base activity. Instead of Anchor base activity I used a click activity and using UI explorer I selected the anchor and configured it according to your suggestion, saved it and it worked. Thanks
Now, how to make it dynamic by using the a variable. I am reading the data from an excel file.