How to Preserve Formatting in Filter Data Table

Hi All,

I am using the filter data table activity and when I write filtered data to a new sheet within the same excel the format of all the columns got changed. I have tried to tick the option of preserve format in the read range properties but no response. How to preserve the format of all the columns in filtered data?

Many thanks,


Try this Configuration :

Hi @Vaibhav_Rajpoot_17 : I have selected the option as you advised and also selected the option for rows as well but did not get the desired output. Pl. suggest me any alternative.



In that case what I would suggest is to have a separate output sheet in same excel with ore defined column structure built in it with proper format set for each column

Once after reading with read range and filtering with filter datatable activity use write range and write the datatable in the pre defined sheet with column format

So that your expected format will be obtained

Cheers @Dr_Raza_Abidi_PhD

Hi @Palaniyappan: Thanks but could you please tell me how should I use ore defined column structure? My column names are perfect after filtering data but the values in rows are in different formats. Thanks,

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Before running the bot copy the existing table in excel and paste it in a new sheet in same excel

Delete the content except header so that now we have a table structure with same column in order and also with same column formats we want

Now save it and your pre defined table structure is all set to uee

Once after filtering use write range and mention the newly created sheet and enable add headers and write. Your format will be retained

That’s fine but the source column and source table is same
Only the number of data differs after filtering
So that should be fine


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Try this workflow :
Main.xaml (6.8 KB)

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@Palaniyappan: Thanks a lot for your message but please find attached the screenshot for your reference. My original excel all data in Sheet are in General format. I have copied the data with headers and past it in other sheet name “Sheet1” and delete the content and run the BOT again as per your advice. But still format did nor preserve in the filtered data.


Did we try with work book activities


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Hi @Vaibhav_Rajpoot_17: Hats off dear, hats off, you are greeeaaattttttttttttt. Issue resolved finally with workbook activity.

:pray: :pray: :pray:

Many many many thanks,

@Palaniyappan: You are also great, hats off, and I really appreciate your keen effort. Many thanks,

Sorry, may be my behavior is non professional but you both can understand my situation, I was very much stuck since many days. You both made my day.

Thanks al lot again.

:ok_hand: :ok_hand: :ok_hand:

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Great :
Marked it as the solution for future refrences.

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