I am working with this WSDL link - https://xml.fultonhomes.com/vendor.asmx?WSDL. it requires 3 inputs: Username, Password and po_number (I have tested it on SoapUI and it works fine) but UiPath is only able to see 2 inputs - Logon and po_number. When I try to create the Username and Password fields manually, UiPath says they already exist (I think the default system variables). Is there a way I can pass Username and Password in the ‘Logon’ field?
I guess in case of a WSDL whatever input is required will be displayed in the table of the wizard.
Please choose Basic in the authentication option and enter the username/password there and try.
your logon value is a complex type defined like this:
> <Logon> > <Username>string</Username> > <Password>string</Password> > </Logon>
@nadim.warsi. Hi Nadim, I dont see a basic but I did try with ‘Simple’ but it doesnt work…
@bcorrea. Hi Bruno, yes, its a complex type. Is there a way I can enter the username and password using this?
Yes, create a variable of that type (AuthStruct) and then pass the value of Password and Username property…
just hit Control + K and choose a name, the variable will be created for you, then you may use invoke code with in/out parameter to initialize it and choose the username and password.
Maybe we better dont use this activity and change to Http Request one, there you can send the full Body as XML String… i think there are problems with complex parameter types…
@bcorrea. OK, I will try that. thanks for your help though…I appreciat it
I don’t see an option in http request to send XML string…
Should use the Body in Options, configure type as app/xml.
@bcorrea. OK. I am confused…sorry. I got the WSDL link but cant find the XML to paste in body. basically, the SOAP request I wanted to use was for ‘GetPOdetail’ but I cant find the XML which corresponds to this…
see the formats here:
you cant pass it like that… you need to create a string from it and also replace the words String with your real values, also it starts with the line “<?xml versio…” and not the “POST /vendor”…