How to pass boolean values in http request

How to pass boolean value in http request

Hi @sivaramana.relangi

If your request accepts the boolean value then in Arguments you can make the Argument type as Boolean if not then you have to pass as a string only

Hope this may help you


is ensured that parameters are to use?
Maybe the used REST API is expecting the payload within the request body.

I am having difficulty changing the argument to a boolean type. By default, it is in string format only.

Yes, it is reasonable as it is string based using this data channel.

Unfortunately our question was not answered.

  • Which rest API / Endpoint is called
  • Was tried to send the Boolean Value as String ( like “True”)?


Is the end point first tested in postman?

Did you happen to copy the curl and use here?

That way we cna ensure there are no changes and issues
