How to optimize robot work?

I would like to further optimize the processes that are triggered and working.

  1. Can the robot collect all information on its work? (I want to implement Studio profiling function.)

  2. Can I run the WorkFlow anyalze function in Studio on the server side? (As it is an Automation Suite, it is a Linux environment, and GitLab is used as a repository)

  3. Can robots also use the profiling feature?

Hi @_dexter ,

Yes, in UiPath, the robot can collect all information on its work by implementing the Studio profiling function. Additionally, the WorkFlow analyzer function in Studio can be run on the server side as UiPath supports running in a Linux environment and integrating with GitLab as a repository.


hello! @RajKumar_DC
Could you please give me a more specific method?


Certainly! In UiPath Studio, you can enable the Studio profiling function by going to the “Design” tab and selecting “Start Profiling” from the “Execution” options. This will capture detailed information about the execution time, activities, and resource usage of your workflows. To analyze the workflow on the server side in a Linux environment with GitLab as the repository, you can integrate UiPath with GitLab CI/CD pipelines to automatically run the Workflow analyze function as part of your continuous integration process. This will allow you to detect and resolve any potential issues or bottlenecks. And yes, the profiling feature can be utilized by the robots themselves to optimize their performance by identifying areas for improvement.


Thank you @RajKumar_DC

Can unattended bots other than Studio do profiling?
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