How to Navigate in the Application Screen and Update Some Data?

Hi team,

I need your guidance on how to design and resolve this issue. Let me give a little background about my question.
I have input data from SQL table as you can see in the screenshot below.

Depending on the PO# and LineNumber columns, we will update fields in screen in an application called Jesta.
For every PO#, we might have multiple Line numbers. Not all line numbers are processed for a PO#. Only LineNumber coming from SQL table will be processed. Also, the LineNumbers are not always in sequence like 1,2,3

My attempts -
I tried to use Extract Table Data Activity so that I can get the values into Datatable (DT). After that I can compare the LineNumber coming from Queue item (from SQL table’s LineNumber Column) with the LineNumber in the DT and process the LineNumbers that match. However, I do not know how I can dictate the bot to go and click on specific LineNumber in the Apps Screen

Please let me know your feedback and how you’d design to tackle this issue.

Please let me know if you’ve any questions or elaboration.
Thanks a lot!
@Yoichi @ppr @supermanPunch

it depends on the selector from the row / field. Here we would bring in the dynamics with a dynamic selector:

analysis of the selector we would do within the UiExplorer

Thank you @ppr for that document. Yes - I can have rows dynamically and able to click to the next LineNumbers if and only if the Line Numbers are in ascending or descending orders.

Unfortunately - the line number pattern is not always in ascending or descending orders - sometimes it gets random like you see below

Anyone who has experience with this, please chime in.

Thanks a lot!

@ppr @Yoichi @supermanPunch - Like always, I need everybody’s insight here. Thanks!

as mention use UiExplorer to inspect if more selector attributes are offered which can be used for finetuining the selector.

Additional you can check also left bottom panel, if attributes are available which can be used for additional calculations

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