How to move processes from My Workspace to another Modern folder (e.g. Shared)?

Hi Everyone,
I install the Ready to Go Automation workflow from uipath and I wanna move it to a shared folder. Can anyone share how to do it?

Many Thanks


Hi @jauharul,
The only way you can upload a process in shared folder is by publishing your process to “Orchestrator Tenant Processes Feed” as a package and adding the process in shared folder using that package. You can refer the screenshot below.


The other way is custom publish in your local machine for that you have to upload the package from your local machine to Orchestrator Tenants packages section and then add the process to shared folder processes.

Thanks and regards,
Shubham Dutta

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Actually, there is a way through API calls.

Example for a Chrome browser:

  1. Access your Orchestrator

  2. Right-click on the page → Inspect → Network → access your My Workspace → Processes → in the Network results look for something that is looking like Releases?$select=Id,IsLatestVersion,IsProcessDeleted,ProcessKey,ProcessVersion,Description,Arguments,Name,JobPriority,FeedId,RequiresUserInteraction,ProcessType,EntryPoint,IsCompiled,TargetFramework,IsAttended,Tags,Key,SpecificPriorityValue&$top=10&$expand=Environment,CurrentVersion,EntryPoint&$orderby=Name%20asc → select Response → click on Pretty print (buttom left corner)


  1. From the Response extract these details


  1. Open for testing Postman and build your Rest API call like this

Method: GET



Authorization: Bearer Token



Accept: */*
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br
Content-Type: application/octet-stream
Content-Disposition: attachment
BodyFormat: multipart/form-data


In order to download the .nupkg file click in the Save Response → Save to a file



  1. Then upload the downloaded .nupkg file into the Tenant.

Orchestrator → Tenant → Packages → Upload → Browser → select the downloaded nupkg file

  1. Go Shared folder → Processes → Add process → in the Package Source Name select the uploaded package → Next → Next → give a name in Display Name → Create


In the end, you can see that the process is visible in Shared folder in Processes tab

and in the UiPath Assistant

Let us know if this helped you.

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