How to migrate Orchestrator to a new server?
When installing Orchestrator on the new server, install it using a pre-existing database and provide the connection string and encryption key for existing database during installation.
- Get the encryption key from the current Orchestrator server's web.config. Below is an example:
- Install Orchestrator from the command line using the DB_CONNECTION_STRING and APP_ENCRYPTION_KEY parameter. For more information on command line parameters, see Command Line Parameters . This method will preserve the license information since this information is stored in the SQL database.
Example Installation Command:
UiPathOrchestrator.msi APPPOOL_IDENTITY_TYPE=USER APPPOOL_USER_NAME=serviceAccount APPPOOL_PASSWORD=1234qwer DB_CONNECTION_STRING="Server=.\sqlexpress;Trusted_Connection=True;Database=UiPath" APP_ENCRYPTION_KEY=yk0nz5oh9sw++uGScQiK82FbfAwrA0Td1E1RB8XscJw=