How to migrate my UiPath account?

Hi guys,

Last week, I just completed the Developer Advanced Certificate with my company Email.
And I think of a few questions.

  1. How could I migrate my account?
    At this moment, I have 2 Account.
    The first one registered with my private Email in UiPath Forum.
    Another one registered with my company Email for using in Academy and Certificate.
    How could I migrate these accounts?

  2. Here’s a further problem, if I change my job one day, how can I keep the record/Certificate/etc to the new place as a career path?

Thank you

@opas1216 You may find a Solution here :

I already check this topic last week.

It said we can Sync the account by Email.
That’s why I have this question.

I can change my Forum Email from my private one to Company’s if it can sync my accounts together.
But the problem is, once I change my Forum and once I change my job, how could I keep these record?

Is there other ways to sync my account of Certificate/Academy to my Forum account with my private Email

Hi @opas1216

I think the easiest might be for you to change your Academy email to your private one and then use that email across all our platforms. Wouldn’t that solve your issue?

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