How to login from a terminal (AS/400)

Hello there,

I’m tryng to login from a terminal in AS/400, already i’m using “Terminals Package”, but i need to sign in before extract data, the terminal session it’s configured with UiPath Internal, i can type the user and password but can not get the next page after login by the way, i don’t know why the GUI of the terminal change when i use the terminal activity, i attached the pictures for more compression:

The Problem: Already all credentials are fine, how we can looks in PIC3 and PIC4 but no idea why the hotkey what i use to login in the terminal doesn’t works with the terminal package it doesn’t redirect me to the main page, what can be the problem guys? S.O.S

Cheers Luis L.

PIC1: The GUI from AS/400 without UiPath for login

PIC2: After login in the terminal this is the main

PIC3: UiPath sequence for login into the terminal

PIC4: GUI for login with UiPath terminal activity

I’m so sorry for the spam of images but i can’t upload more of 1 image per comments.


Glad you got it solved! Always helpful to post what the solution was though. That way years down the road when someone is trying to solve the same problem they’ll be able to figure it out

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Solution it’s simple, just need to add after putted User and Password in the terminal a “Send Control Key” with “Transmit” and it’s done!!! by the way, if you use a “Move Cursor” after that Control Key it doesn’t works, so be careful with that.


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