How to iterate through rows in Data table?

I have a DT and I am using “For each row in data table” to iterate through it
In type into activity, I’m using


But my question is How can i Iterate through rows, when I use

it is giving output “”

Hi @Sami_Rajput you can write

CurrentRow(“ColumnName”).ToString OR CurrentRow.Item(“ColumnName”).ToString not only CurrentRow.Tostring

Hi @Sami_Rajput,

use below method in loop



Hi @Sami_Rajput

You can try with + to combine the columns

Currentrow(“ColumnName 1”).ToString+ Currentrow(“ColumnName2”).ToString

String.join(“ ”, Currentrow.itemarray)


sample.xlsx (8.6 KB)
Can you please make it work for this sample??
Because through your code it is treating all the columns as a single row

(I want to iterate through rows but one by one)

@Sami_Rajput write the code like this:

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That’s what For Each Row in Datatable does.

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