How to Install Test Manager with Cloud orchestrator?

How to Install Test Manager with Cloud orchestrator.
We have created test cases in UI path studio.
When we tried to manage it with Test Manager, we are not able to get it done as it is having multiple dependencies.
Firstly It was asking to install UIpathOrchestrator.msi. (Installation) But for 2022 enterprises edition (trail version), we are not seeing the UiPath Orchestrator instead it is maintained in cloud.
How to get it done?.
Secondly we dont have SSL certificate… Please let us know how to create it in IIS and bind it with orchestrator ? (how to create Orchestrator seperate for UI path in IIS?)
Please let us know the entire installation steps of UI path Test Manager.

Hi @Rgopalsamy

Hope this might help you :slight_smile:

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Hey @Rgopalsamy

  1. Double-click the UiPathTestManager.msi to start the installation process.
  2. Read and accept the license agreement, and then click Next to continue.
  3. Configure the following IIS Settings:
  • Installation Path - The local path where you want Test Manager to be installed.
  • Host Name - Add the Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) of the machine or the DNS name by which the server can be accessed (e.g., This is the server hostname for the virtual or physical Test Manager instance.
  • Port - Set the port you want to use for the communication between the user and Test Manager. By default, this is set to 443, to enable HTTPS.
  • Add firewall rules for this port - Select this option to add a firewall rule for this port, to ensure your machine’s security.
  • Verify port availability - Select this option to check if the 443 port is available for use. If the port is not available, a message box is displayed.
  • SSL Certificate - The name of the SSL certificate that you want to use to secure connections with Test Manager.
  1. Click Next to continue.
  2. Configure the following Application Pool Settings:
  • Identity - Choose the identity under which the Test Manager website runs. The following options are available:
    • Application Pool Identity - Select this option to run the Test Manager website under the default identity of the application pool.
    • Specific User - Select this option to run the Test Manager website under an existing Windows or Domain Identity. You need to fill in the Username and Password fields.
  1. Click Next to continue.
  2. Configure the following Database Settings:
  • SQL Server Host - The name of the SQL Server machine. By default, it is set to . (localhost). If you are not using the default instance, enter it in the following format: MyMachine\MyInstance.
  • Database Name - The name of the database that has to be created.
    Make sure that there is no database with that name and that the given user has the necessary privileges to create a new database. The required database is created at installation.
  • Authentication Mode - Choose the authentication mode for the Test Manager website. You can choose from the following options:
    • Windows Integrated Authentication - This is the default option. If you choose this option, Test Manager connects to the database using the detected IIS Application Pool’s Windows account and creates the database using the Windows Credentials of the currently logged in user.
    • SQL Server Authentication - Choose this option to use your SQL Server Credentials. You need to fill in the SQL Username and Password fields.
  1. Click Next.
  2. Configure the following UiPath Identity Settings:
  • Orchestrator URL - Add the Orchestrator URL that Test Manager connects to.
  • Identity URL - The location of the Identity Server.
  • Test Manager URL - The URL from which Test Manager is accessed (e.g. https://testmanager.local or https://testmanager.local:8443). If you have set a different port than the default 443, you will need to put this value in the URL, as indicated in the second example. If the machine is behind a load balancer, you need to use the load-balanced URL.
  • Orchestrator Tenant Name - Add the Orchestrator tenant that you want to integrate with Test Manager.
  • Orchestrator Tenant Admin Password - Provide the admin account password of the Orchestrator tenant.
  • Identity Installation Token - Generate an installation token in Orchestrator Identity Management by logging in as the host tenant. To get the access token, see Generate an installation access token.
  1. Click Next to review the Installation Summary.
  2. Click Install.

Hope this helps


I am using trail version and just trying to explore the test manager. IWhat do we enter in Orchestrator url, Identity url and IdentityInstallation Token?.