I am having trouble dealing with browser popups.
I have to click on a link, which opens up a browser popup window for data entry(form). I need to fill in the form and submit it. If there is any material or video or if someone can share the steps, greatly appreciate it.
- Use attach browser, indicate the browser pop up window, specify the browser type.
- Inside attach browser, Use type into activity to fill data and click activity to submit.
Thanks Vivek. I did the same, somehow not able to having it run. It fails in finding the textarea element of the popup window. I mean somehow the popup window is not getting recognized.
Anything else i may be doing wrong?
Sorry for being annoying, can someone please point me to a tutorial or video. Thanks in advance.
are you attempting the assignment1 or 2 in advandced training of UI path academy?
@heretolearn have you tried with using IE? or else try to do that part using recording.
Assignment 1
please refer to this post
use the url of pop up window directly in your main broswer then it will detect)
Yes I am using IE
This may not be the case with most popups.
try it using recording.
If you have the URL, you won’t need to detect the POP anyway
The only time this won’t help is when for some reason you don’t know/see the URL itself in a popup
Yes I tried not helping
Yes a very important use case
try checking/activating the simulate Type property when using the Type into activity for the comment box
try it using attach window activity. i’ve used a attach window activity
Yes attach browser fails with some error. So i used attached window. I believe the selectors are not helping.
Thanks and I tried that as well. I shall try once more.
if the selectors are correct, the Type into with simulate should work
Same problem ,i am facing as well .there is a javascript prompt popup alert ,where i need to pass a value and click ‘OK’ in side that. while recording UIpath tool is not identifying the popup.
Later tried manually to identify UIElement with " indicate element on screen " that covers only the browser but not able to click the popup ,again i clicked F2 and tried to find popup element ,still the indicator of UIpath points towards only the browser not the popup.