How to Handle a Business Process which uses the SAP Business Rule Framework?

@loginerror @ovi

Hello Community, hello UiPath,

yesterday I discussed with some colleagues a very interesting problem of RPA tools in the context of SAP. SAP offers for rule-based processes the Business Rule Framework (BRF+). In an SAP system is a dependency between customizing and system behavior. This means that the same data constellations with different customizing can lead to different results and therewith to different variations. I know that the general RPA conditions says that each process should have a low number of variation scenarios. This constellation contains a lot of variations, so this would not be a good process for RPA. The question we asked ourselves was: What approaches exists to use SAP BRF+ in RPA scenarios?

Or more fundamentally: With which approach do I counter an RPA automation requirement of a business process that runs in an ERP system in which customizing leads to changes in the results of the business process and thus increase the number of variations?

I know this is a very specific question, but also very interesting at the same time, e.g. to identify limits.

Thanks for your experience, tips and hints.
Best regards

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Basically in a ERP system, the data been entered by user in the forms will be stored in a backend database, i hope so because we have such in ORACLE ERP as well, so it doesn’t matter whether there are many variations in the results that we obtain from the business process. what i would suggest is we need to make sure that BUSINESS PROCESS SHOULD BE STABLE RATHER THAN THE RESULT…because we are going to handle the process that are going to be automated which would actually fetch us results…
Even if that result is used a input for some other process, it doesn’t matter whether the data is dynamic or stable, but the format of the input must be same, identical. Then only this variation can be handled…
And there is exclusively a traning on handling SAP environment in uipath academy which can give us some insights on how to handle SAP components in uipath
Kindly correct me if i have understood the query wrongly
Cheers @StefanSchnell

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Hello @Palaniyappan,
thank you for your reply. For clarification what I mean: Customer A uses the standard customizing of an SAP system for business process X. Customer B changes this standard customizing. With this individualization the ERP system behaviour changes also too. Customer B has also the business process X, but e.g. with different UI elements like visible or invisible, mandatory fields or not and last but not least different ways of operation - like input sequences. That was what I meant by result. In my opinion are these different variations (A and B) of one business process (X). With a set of business rules, like SAP BRF+, you can create multitude kinds of variations. You are right, the business process should be stable, but is it in this case instable? The customer has the possibility to individualize the business process via customizing. But from the perspective of an RPA automation requirement looks the same business process X from customer A different to customer B. My question is: Is there a pattern to handle this requirement? I mean set of rules are not uncommon in ERP environments.
Best regards

A tiny addendum:
Yesterday I read in Twitter about a post with the title “The benefits of implementing RPA in finance”. The technical writer Linda Rosencrance argues as follows:

She refers to a contribution by Bob Violino “What is RPA technology and what can it do for your business?”.


In both cases they wrote about “simple” processes. I find this external perspective very interesting in the context of my question here. If, at the moment, simple business processes are in the focus of RPA, what about the delimitation of complex processes, which contains, for example, a set of rules?