that looks like a html table on the page.
If that is so, you could use the following selector possibly:
<html title='your title'/>
<webctrl tag='table' id='some unique identifier to the table'/>
<webctrl tag='td' idx='" & intPageNumber & "'/>
where intPageNumber could have values from 1 through 10 and further.
This is just a hint for you to develop dynamic selectors. you’ll probably have to study the application before building a similar one that fits your need.
Please message me if you need more help and share the page source.
Thank you for reply on my query I see you have good amount of exposure on tool would you like to work on freelance basis contact me +91-9867711779 or
But here we dont know how many times we need to run that loop to increment “intPageNumber” variable…
So if max page num is available on same page we can scrap that number and can run that loop for that many times if not available ,we need to scrap for each and every 10 pages then we need to run the loop…
Mentioning, since it may be useful to go ahead…:
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If anyone ever comes to this page again, I thought I would give my solution.
I ran a “Do- While” loop that extracts the data to a datatable, then inside of a try-catch I had it click the next page number (using an int that started with 2 and incremented at the end of each loop). The catch part of this “try-catch” was a Boolean that stopped the Do-While.
A tip I learned is that you don’t need to merge datatables or anything, you can simply extract to the same data table over and over and it will simply add to the datatable. This is assuming that each page has the same structure.
If no next page button is available, the only solution is to scrap each page manually and then create a logic to move to other pages.
This could be achieved with a For Each activity and a Click activity that has a dynamic selector. You can then use Data Scraping inside the For Each activity to scrap each page and then use a Click activity with a dynamic selector at the end to move to the other page.
You can join the data tables after each iteration to combine your results