How to get whole data from queue to get transaction item then print writeline?

Is it working @Abubakkar
Kindly let know for any queries or clarification

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VeryThanks @Palaniyappan.
but i want to execute in REFRAMEWORK model
is it possible ?

Yah of course
We can similar kind of structure in your REFramework where you are using these arguments obtained from the QueueItem
Cheers @Abubakkar

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Yah it seems here you are adding queue items

Yes, after that I get transavtion item here.

for your references

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How to get whole transaction from queue?

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This will give the whole Transaction item from the queues
We need to loop it but inside the loop we need to mention all the arguments in a Transaction Item only then we can see it’s value

Cheers @Abubakkar


Thanks @Palaniyappan

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