Get Attribute of each page in a loop

Hi all

I have a datatable which i data scrapped (using Data Scrapping), with rows of URLs stored in the second column.

The automation requires me to loop through the datatable (i.e. For Each Row), accessing each URL webpage (i.e. sending a hotkey CTRL+T to open new tab, then Navigate To the current URL), and extract information in the webpage using a series of Get Attribute.

The problem is in the Get Attribute activity, my selector has to be dynamic to correspond to the current tab, which has a different title each time.

I am not sure how I can do this selector , such that the Get Attribute activity selector can properly identified the current tab, and perform the extraction.

What I tried

I attempted to assign the URL within each loop to a variable (see below), and to put it into the Element option in Get Attribute , but there is error.



What is the best way for me to solve this automation issue?

Thank you.

Hi @Ben_l
Do you need to extract the text from webpage right?
You could use get text activity by giving dynamic selector.

Thanks @sangeethaneelavannan1 , is the Get Text activity better than Get Attribute in this case?

Yes,if you would like to extract data from webpage,Get text activity is best. get Attribute is used to get the value of an attribute of a particular element.

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