How to get the string using regex pattern

Hi Team,
I need to extract the string using regex
Input string1: S No: 100-18675364
Input String2: S No: 1A2984836583
Regex pattern:(?<=S\s+No:\s*)(\w*\d+\w*|\d+)

using the above regex am able to extract the input string 2 and from input string 1 am getting till 100 , its not picking the after hypen(-). Could some one help me on this.


How about the following pattern?



You can use this pattern:


Inside [ ] you can specify exactly which characters you need.

if not mistaken \w is equilevant to [a-zA-Z0-9_]

Maybe you don’t want to capture underscore (_)

Thankyou, \w working fine.

Also, i have one more text
Date SNO #
09/22/2021 238258-00

How to get the 238258-00 using regex?

Thankyou for the quick response. Its working fine

Date SNO #
09/22/2021 238258-00

How to get the 238258-00 using regex?

You can try the following expression:



Hi, wants to take preceding token also to identity that in the text file. How to get along with preceding token.

thanks for quick help.

simple text sample sample Group, sssustomer SO # Page #
565 E hjfguy wve 89876757 1 of 1

need to extract 89876757 from below string1:
S final 5.09
need to get the 5.90

can u also give me any website we can try to create the expression.



What do you mean by preceding token?