How to get the content present in worksheet.xslx file without knowing how many sheets are present?


Here in case i wanted to read the excel data and i dont how mant sheets are present in my excel sheet then how can read the each sheet data and store in respective folders

Hi @Naveen_Kanike

Use the below activity and you will get all the sheets that are present in that workbook.




check this thread as reference

no its not working error is activity will only work in excelapplicationscope

Hi @Naveen_Kanike

Check the below image:


HI @Naveen_Kanike

check the below thread:

From the above thread just instead of creating folder use the read range activities and that should work!!


i think this excel process scope will open the excel file right? yes or no

If you don’t want to open the excel using the excel activities then please do mark this as False. @Naveen_Kanike



Try this approach hope it get all sheetnames in array.In this there is no need for excel process scope or any activities to get the sheetnames