Hii all,
I have extracted a text “12 of 16 selected” using get text activity, the numbers can be anything in the place of 12 and 16 , now i want to keep an if condition n check only for the 12(i want to extract only that part). And keep a condition if the number is less than 8 then it should move to Then sequence.
Hi sanjay
Can you tell me the variable types of those variables
Hey, well come to community…
Try like this:
strNumber = GetTextvariavle.Split(" "C)(0)
intNumber = Convert.ToInt32(strNumber)
In if condition mention like this
In then block do whatever you want which will give you the less than 8 data
In else block do whatever you want which will give you the more than 8 numbers
we can use Regex for the extraction
myInt = CInt(System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Match(YourStringVar, "(\d+)(?= of)").Value.Trim)
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Thanks everyone for your help
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