How to get sent date of email

Hello, I am using use outlook 365 and for each email i am having a problem on getting date if the emails is from sent items, any help is appreciated

if email is from inbox no error occur.

here is the error message


check this thread

Hi @Krishna_Raj, this works on “inbox” folder, however on “sent items” folder this return null

I am looking for the date of email i sent to others

Hello @jmsphlp

Could you try with a Get Outlook Mail Messages activity to extract the mails from your Sent items folder?
And then use a regular For Each on the MailMessages variable.

I can extract date of my sent items in this way.



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It is working with Get Outlook Mail Messages activity. thanks @SorenB! But I need a solution for Use Outlook 365 activity to run it on different account


The Get Outlook Mail Messages activity has an input for Email Account - perhaps you can use this one?

I am retrieving from shared mailbox and other account is log in on outlook desktop app

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