How to get extract the unstructure data from the web UI and get specific data in format of string

Hi Team,

In my web application data is presented in unstructure format i want to extract data from UI and then store it into format of .txt file.

My web application unstructure data is like below,
output_text (1).txt (153 Bytes)

So, i did code upto storing data into .txt file and then i want to extract specific data(string whose name is similar like:- Argument) from .txt file and save into another .txt file.

I am getting output in format of count but, i want data in string format like below,
Argument - 1
Argument - 2
Argument - 3
Argument - 4
Argument - 5

For count i am using below expression:-
matches= System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Matches(extractedData.Rows(0)(0), “(?<=\n)argument”)

Please help me to reach out from this issue.

Hi @Smitesh_Aher1

Check below for your reference to get only the Arguments with count


Hope this may help you



refer this it will help you


hey @Srini84

Can you please elaborate this?

Which steps you have used?

Hi @Smitesh_Aher1

Try this


write your expression as below

matches= System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Matches(extractedData.Rows(0)(0), "Argument\s*-\s*\d+")

To explain above will match the expression
Argument to start and \s* will identify any number of space “-” will identify and another \s* to identify any space and d+ is any number

If you are copying the expression just take of quotes, you need to change a little bit


I am not getting “Find matching patterns” activity… how to download from manage packages?


The activity is available in UiPath.System.Activities Package…Upgrade the package to latest version.
Try to search Text matching patterns activity
use simply assign activity


Variable type:

let me check is available or not

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Please see above image… why showing error


Is Text matching activity gives boolean value

Search another activity like matching patterns activity

Can you show your activities panel


Check this:
Sequence.xaml (13.6 KB)
Book1.xlsx (10.7 KB)

@lrtetala yes now i used find matched activity…

But please see the below image error

no need to use assign activity

you can directly use find matching patterns activity

@lrtetala then where to store expression?

you can try like this

@lrtetala It is not going inside the for loop. can you please share your xaml file?

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No need to use both assign and Find Matching Patterns activity anyone them is work
previously you said that find matching patterns activity not present so that’s why i am suggest you to take assign activity @Smitesh_Aher1 (43.6 KB)

Thank @lrtetala … i will check this and will let you if working fine.

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Check this:
Sequence.xaml (17.0 KB)
sample.txt (57 Bytes)