How to get data From CSV/XLS file to AS400

Hello All,
Could anyone explain me, how we can achieve of getting data from csv files to AS400 and how to connect the AS400 system. If anyone have demo or video to share please suggest.

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hello, I did not worked with this system so far but it looks very similar to a citrix console. if this is the case (from my experience) it is recommended to use key strokes

Yes , may be! But I am actually looking for automating the AS400 console to UiPath or something like that…

So, anyone to explain here about this connectivity flow?

@ashusinha: Hi Ashutosh, were you able to complete your objective? If so, please share on what you did and how it went about.

You can refer the below link, helpful in automating the AS400 console with UiPath.


AS400 Data Entry if that helps you.@ ashusinha