I have an excel sheet where there are some columns hidden due to which I am not able to paste the data.
What should I do to find the hidden columns and unhide it?
Can anyone suggest what to do??
Hey @Kunal_Jain Check this out
Hi @Kunal_Jain Please check the below thread
Should I use it in Invoke VBA??
Sub Unhide_All_Rows_Columns()
Columns.EntireColumn.Hidden = False
Rows.EntireRow.Hidden = False
End Sub
Yes, @Kunal_Jain is there any difficulty to implement this
Please check the below workflow on how to use invoke VBA
SampleProcess.zip (8.6 KB)
Invoke VBA: Number of parameters specified does not match the expected number.
I am getting this error
There are 2 columns with same name
Due to which error I am getting
Read Range: A column named ‘LG Qty On Hand’ already belongs to this DataTable.
But I need both of them
Can you share your sample input excel and VB code
Hi @Kunal_Jain ,
Check this below snippet in the market place which can rename the duplicate column names and can get you both the columns,
Hope this might help you
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