How to find a specific word in word docuent

Hello Guys,

Anyone knows how to select a specific word in a given word document.

For example ii want to select the word “Process diagram” and make it bold.

Thanks and regards

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Hi there,

For more info in the basics. Kindly refere to this:

Furdermore, you can use string.contains(“Process diagram”) to find a word in a given string.
Once you have the desired word you can change its structure by a hotkey command. Refere to this:

Hopefully this helps you!
Kind Regards,

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Hi Buddy @charith_wickramasing

Here is your xaml buddy for reference
its resolved (20.0 KB)


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Thanks mate, i’ll try and let you know :slight_smile:

Thanks Buddy, I’ll try it

Hi @Palaniyappan,

One small question, actually i have few other words after the “process diagram”, do you know how to select that entire row and make it bold.

Thank a lot for the help

Buddy in that case read the text with read text activity and get the line index of the line were this word “process diagram” occurs along,
Once you find the line of strings, assign it to a variable and enter the same in the above type into activity mentioned in xaml file


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Hey @Palaniyappan,

Would you be able to provide me a example. Highly appreciate your help buddy :slight_smile:

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Here is your xaml buddy (20.9 KB)


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Thanks a lot buddy,
but seems like there is an error in the file. indexing%20error

Thanks again :slight_smile:

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Buddy It was this for each loop buddy that was missing

Is that working buddy

Cheers @charith_wickramasing

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Hey Thanks a lot, buddy, it works. :slight_smile:

Thanks and regards

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Cheers buddy
Keep going

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