How to filter data table by dateandtime

Hi Team,

How to filter the data table using DateTime.

For example

14-11-2022 14:21
14-11-2022 14:26
14-11-2022 14:54
14-11-2022 18:20
14-11-2022 18:44
14-11-2022 18:44
14-11-2022 18:47
14-11-2022 18:50
14-11-2022 18:58
14-11-2022 18:59
14-11-2022 19:07
14-11-2022 19:09
14-11-2022 19:22
14-11-2022 20:37
14-11-2022 20:44
14-11-2022 20:48
14-11-2022 23:48
13-11-2022 10:48
13-11-2022 23:48

As per the above input in the data table, I need the date as per the below conditions

Bot to process the transaction based on the date & time stamp (T-2 after 23:00:00 until 23:59:59 & T-1 from 00:00:00 until 22:59:59)

Hi @pra.vemunuri

For filtering use this. Say dt is your datatable

Dt.AsEnumerable.Where(function(row) datetime.diff(dateinterval.hours,datetime.Paeraeexact(row(“datecolumn”).tostring,”dd-MM-yyyy hh:mm”,system.Globalization.culturalinfo.invariantculture),”date that you want to compare”).copytodatatable

This will give you the filtered dt… but i did not understand what is T and T-1 and 2…so accordingly give the date in compare. Else if you could explain i can help


Would this throw an exception if one of the row items for the datecolumn are blank or not in correct format?

Hi @grant.grisham

If the dateformat is wrong or empty string then yes this will throw an error …you can continue or ignore that error using try catch and continue options


filter the datatable of invalid or empty strings beforehand and avoid it all together.


Can you try the following sample?

dt.AsEnumerable.Where(Function(r) DateTime.TryParseExact(r("datetime").ToString,"d-M-yyyy HH:mm",System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture,System.Globalization.DateTimeStyles.None,New DateTime) AndAlso DateTime.ParseExact(r("datetime").ToString,"d-M-yyyy HH:mm",System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).TimeOfDay<New TimeSpan(23,0,0)).CopyToDataTable()


dt.AsEnumerable.Where(Function(r) DateTime.TryParse(r("datetime").ToString,New DateTime) AndAlso DateTime.Parse(r("datetime").ToString).TimeOfDay<New TimeSpan(23,0,0)).CopyToDataTable() (2.9 KB)


Hi @Yoichi Thanks for your help.

How to filter based on Date and time.

T-2 after 23:00:00 until 23:59:59 & T-1 from 00:00:00 until 22:59:59)

T-2 Means for example Tody’s date is 14 then T-2 = 13th(T-2 after 23:00:00 until 23:59:59)

T- 1 means for example Tody’s date is 14 then T-1=14th(T-1 from 00:00:00 until 22:59:59))

I have written in C# however it’s not working while using the Invoke code

var dt = dt1.AsEnumerable().Where(p => (Convert.ToDateTime(p[“Date”]) >= Convert.ToDateTime(“13-11-2022 23:00:00”)) && (Convert.ToDateTime(p[“Date”]) <= Convert.ToDateTime(“13-11-2022 23:59:59”)) || (Convert.ToDateTime(p[“Date”]) >= Convert.ToDateTime(“14-11-2022 00:00:00”)) && (Convert.ToDateTime(p[“Date”]) <= Convert.ToDateTime(“14-11-2022 22:59:59”))).CopyToDataTable();


Did you have any error message? Or was the result not your expected?


no error mate

i have to filter with date and time

T-2 after 23:00:00 until 23:59:59 & T-1 from 00:00:00 until 22:59:59)

T-2 Means for example Tody’s date is 14 then T-2 = 13th(T-2 after 23:00:00 until 23:59:59)

T- 1 means for example Tody’s date is 14 then T-1=14th(T-1 from 00:00:00 until 22:59:59))