How to filter data based on specific content on Insights?
Generating Specific Content Data into UiPath Dashboards Using Custom Variables
There are two ways to generate specific content data into UiPath Dashboards using custom variables.
To include custom variables for processes:
- Add them to logs in the automation via the UiPath.System.Activities.AddLogFields activity in Studio.
- Select them for ingestion.
To include custom variables for queues:
- Add them in workflows via an activity in Studio.
- Select them for ingestion.
Use the following activities:
- UiPath.System.Activities.AddQueueItem activity for Specific Data
- UiPath.System.Activities.SetTransactionStatus activity for Output Data and Analytics Data
Configuration on Insights
Once the above is configured, the custom fields have to be configured on Insights as per the documentation:
Using Custom Variables in Dashboards
After satisfying the prerequisites, when creating a new dashboard or tile, there is a list of default variables along with the custom ones configured. These parameters can be used in filters to filter dashboards based on custom data:
The above parameters can be utilized in filters like below to filter dashboards based on custom data.
Also check: Using Filters.