How to extract - Unstructured Excel file in to Data table

Hi Team,

I am having an excel file. The excel is Unstructered.
Now i want to extract the data from this excel. Based on the MODE : SEA IMPORT (this data i get from .pdf)

So now i have highlighted the tables in the yellow color.
I have to extract the based on the MODE β€” IMPORT - SEA - SEA - LCL.

how can i do this.

Please help me


Hi @Seem

Have you tried using with Generated Data table activity

Ashwin S

@Seem Can you provide us the Excel File?

yeah sure
Please find it thereNew KWE Rate 2020.xlsx (22.0 KB)


the Generate Data table - is to generate the table from the web scraping right ?

I actually take the data tables from the existing excel …
Can you please help me…

@Seem Check this Workflow , If it works ,and if it is What you needed, It may not be the best way to get it :sweat_smile: (25.9 KB)

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