How can I extract all of the data roles that has “LT” rank into a new excel?
Do I have to use the Excel Application Scope, then read the excel fast, and do a filter table that contains “LT” in rank column?
How can I extract all of the data roles that has “LT” rank into a new excel?
Do I have to use the Excel Application Scope, then read the excel fast, and do a filter table that contains “LT” in rank column?
table= table.select(“‘columnname’=‘LT’”).copytodatatable()
or use filter table activity and configure your column name and value
DT.Asenumerable.Where(Function(r) r(“Rank”).Tostring.Trim.Tolower.Equals(“lt”)).Copytodatatable
Output : Datatable With Rows Having “LT” only.
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