i am stuck in one issue, need to know the process for how to extract a row of data from a Master data table and after assigning that row to data row data table type of variable how can i access particular column in that data row.
1 . Use For Each Row activity and provide Datatable variable as input.
2. You can access the row value row(“ColumnName”).ToString inside For Each row
You can also use row(0).ToString
Here “0” is your first column and 1, 2, 3 so on.
It’s useful when your column name changes frequently. And you don’t have to change the column name in the Process.
The columns will always have a name, even if this is not defined. The default is “Column1”, “Column2” etc. You can also always use the index of the columns if you do not know the names of the columns.
→ Use For Each Row datatable activity and use Datatable variable as input.
→ for getting the row value use row(“ColumnName”).ToString inside For Each row or you can use column index value aswell