Select specific columns from a dataRow and convert the result to a dataRow type variable

Hi Experts,

As in the title, I want to iterate a data table, get specific columns from a dataRow, assign them to another dataRow variable then add it into a new data table. Do you have any reference?

Thank you.

hi @D_Okthree

You can select on the basis of some condition for eg:

The records are stored in SelectedData

FilteredData= SelectedData.asEnumerable().Where(Function (x) x(“Column Name”).toString.Equals()/Contains()/SomeLogic())
This would be an array of DataRow

Hi @adiijaiin ,

Here, I am using For Each for data table. So, I will look for the columns from a temporary dataRow variable.


To get specific row from a datatable as Datarow

dt_row = dt.Rows(rowindex)

Where dt_row is a variable of type System.Data.Datarow and rowindex starts from 0

To get specific column value from a Datarow

str_value = dt.Rows(rowindex)(“your column name”).ToString

This is how you get individual value

Then you can add the Datarow to a datatable with ADD DATAROW activity where pass the first Datarow variable as input

To know more about datatable refer this thread

Cheers @D_Okthree

If you are looping based on For each Row, that currentRow Variable or Row Variable is already a DataRow Type variable you can create a tempDataRow var = CurrentRow, based on condition.

If you wanna access Columns later: just write tempDataRow(“ColumnName”) to access the value.


To get specific value from a Datarow mention like this

str_value = dt_row(“your column name”)

Cheers @D_Okthree

Hi @Palaniyappan ,

How to get several columns? Is it like str_value = dt_row(“column name1”)+ dt_row(“column name2”) then assign str_value to a dataRow variable?

sounds also as you interested on a subset of columns from a datatable

dtData: (3 columns)

Defining the Subset of columns:

Extracting the colset

That is also captured here under point 8.

If you want specific multiple group of columns from dt

dt = dt.DefaultView.ToTable(FALSE, "Columnname-1", "Columnname-2", "Columnname-3",….., "Columnname-N")

If you want to specific or multiple group of columns from dt with distinct records

dt = dt.DefaultView.ToTable(TRUE, "Columnname-1")


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