previous version is available edit machine
but 2019.10.2 Ver Orchestrator Can not edit machine…
Is there any other way I don’t know?
but 2019.10.2 Ver Orchestrator Can not edit machine…
Is there any other way I don’t know?
First you have to add machine and then you can able to select the machine name (the added machines will appear here)
@KarthikByggari already add machine on Robot
I want change Machine in Robot
RobotA - Machine A
RobotA - Machine B
previous orchestrator is available edit…
For some reason it is not allowing to edit.
As an alternate way, you can click on duplicate and then you will get a window to select the machine name.
Karthik Byggari
Duplicate same Create New Robot…
The reason I want to change the machine name,
because if create a new robot, need to set up new assets.
assets too many assign to robot… too boring XD
The assets has nothing to do with robots nor machines… You can delete add machince/robot as much as you want, it won’t affect your assets…
yes i know
but I want to change the machine to an existing robot.
When create a new robot
must re-assign the asset value assigned to the robot.
(Asset values are assigned to each robot.)
It is too boring to add one by one because there are multiple assets.
You might want to instead take this opportunity to re-evaluate how you are designing the process. I’m having a hard time imagining why any process would need so many robot-specific assets that creating a new robot becomes such a big problem. Sounds like a potential anti-pattern.
The test environment and the operating environment are different, so each must be given.
In fact, replacing a PC designated as a robot is not common.
but If replacement PC, it’s too much cumbersome to have a Asset assigned to the robot.
previous version is available…
Can’t change the machine assigned to the robot in the future?