How to Download PDF attachments alone from the outlook email?

Can any one help me?

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@Pablito @jamunatj @mvpmurali @ppr @cheez_RPA @JuveriaSiddiqui @nisargkadam23 @HANACCHI @Priyanka_Bhalere @Naveen_Kumar2

how get the attachments(pdf) from attached email(.msg) in the email , so email - email - pdf
also pdf attachments from email ?
and then I need to apply regex to get the list of all the dates , get the latest date save it in a variable .

how get the attachments(pdf) from attched email(.msg) in the email , so email - email - pdf
also pdf attachemtns from email ?
and then I need to apply regex to get the list of all the dates , get the latest date save it in a variable .
I have seen all the posts around it :

and many links are here as well
How to save perticular file from outlook, when the attachments contains multiple files.