How to download a file in Google drive

Hi All,

I want to download a .zip file after logging into the google drive and the conditions to download the file are:

→ I want to download only the recent one file i.e I need to download the day-1
if I am performing action on 16/05/2022, the I need to download 15/05/2022,
if I am performing action on 17/05/2022, the I need to download 16/05/2022 and so on.
→ The format of the .zip file is 112844.912458.out.220515(yesterdays date)
–>112844.912458.out.220516(today’s file to be download tomorrow date) etc
→ After that I need to unzip the files.

Please anyone help me how to achieve this.


@HeartCatcher If you want to download the yesterdays file you can use the below exp


So, the format of the file should be

"112844.912458.out." + Now.AddDays(-1).ToString("yyMMdd") + ""

I didn’t understand this 112844.912458.out.220516(today’s file to be download tomorrow date) etc ???. Does this mean you want to rename the file with Tomorrows date. Can you explain this

I meant that while downloading the file, it is in that format but not constant it keeps changing.

Hey @HeartCatcher

Are you using Ui-Automation for this please ?
